Go For GREEN Energy~No More Nuclear Power Energy~
We, the Global Young Greens (GYG) recommend that our members promote the sharing of information concerning nuclear power in each country and strengthen the network with a view to stopping all existing and proposed nuclear power plants, uranium mining and nuclear waste disposal in the world.
We oppose nuclear power plants because nuclear power plants are not GREEN.
Nuclear power plants are not a solution to climate change. It is dangerous to have nuclear power plants in regions with significant risk of earthquakes.
There is no realistic solution to the disposal of spent nuclear fuel.
The nuclear fuel cycle of uranium digging, reprocessing to derive plutonium and high level nuclear waste disposal affects human health in communities and to workers by the risk of radio active exposure.
GYG support the anti-nuclear movements in every country, especially Germany, Japan and Taiwan. We support:
- the “Anti Atom Demo” in Berlin on 18 Sep. 2010 which will protest government’s postponing the phase-out of nuclear power,
- “STOP KAMINOSEKI” in which many local residents have been opposing the construction of a nuclear power plant for 27 years in Japan and
- “NO NUKE 2010” action in Taiwan, which protest government’s speeding up the construction of a 4th nuclear power plant to celebrate the 100th National Day.
The expansion of nuclear power plants MUST BE STOPPED NOW
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